I'm Bringing Sexy Back

A blog about human sexuality and sex in the news.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Routine HIV tests recommended for Americans

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta said people between the ages of 13 and 64 should be tested for HIV like a routine cholesterol check, according to a CBS news article.

The spread of HIV is a problem that most people choose to ignore. Some people may have the virus and may be totally unaware that they do. I think that in today's society most people started or will start their sex lives at an early age. Take a look at this article by the Taipei Times, one of Asia's newspapers.

Clearly, teen sex is something that is occurring globally. With sex starting at a young age for most people, I think it is imperative that everyone get tested.

As I have mentioned before, casual sex in Gainesville is common amongst college students and knowing that should encourage everyone to make the effort to check. With so much bar hopping these days you don't know who has what.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Women strike using sex

The girlfriends of gang members in one of Colombia's most violent cities have called off a sex strike aimed at ending a deadly gang feud, according to an article from the BBC news on Friday.

The women started the strike 10 days before and vowed not sleep with their boyfriends until they agreed to stop fighting. The women decided to start the "cross-legged strike" because of all the murders that occur in the city of Pereira.

Women withholding sex for social or political reasons is not a new thing. This has been done in history to solve many problems. I think that the power of sex is obvious in this article. The women must be pretty desperate to see results if they have vowed not sleep with their boyfriends. It seems to me that not sleeping with a man will always get a girl what she wants. Whether the subject is a protest to end gang fighting or whether it's as simple as getting him to be in a relationship with you, sex is the determining factor. I think that this is a little disturbing and at the same time funny. Why do men put sex on such a high pedestal?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Casual sex in Gainesville, Florida

Casual sex in Gainesville is more prevalent than in New York, argues Shem Fleenor in an Independent Florida Alligator article. Fleenor suggests that most sorority girls confuse reality with HBO's hit show "Sex and the City." The lack of monogamy in Gainesville is disturbing. I think in college it is pretty much rare or nearly impossible to settle down with someone because of all the alcohol and drugs that so many of our dearest gators associate themselves with. I'm sure many college students both men and women would rather be monogamous but the reality is that the "college life" makes it difficult to happen. Time and time again I see plenty of women going home with men they barely know after a night of drinking at a local bar. Fleenor also concentrates on sorority girls in his article but he fails to mention fraternity guys. Most fraternity guys make it their sole mission to sleep with as many women as possible while attending this great university of ours. I believe having a girlfriend is not in fraternity guy's vocabulary or generally for most men in college.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Minister preaches about sex

Minister Joe Beam preaches to Christians about the importance of having good sex while being married, according to an article published Saturday. About 100 evangelical Christian couples attended Beam's seminar titled "Love, Sex and Marriage."
Religion and sex have never been able to coexist together without being dubbed taboo. I think it is a great idea to incorporate something that most people enjoy (sex) with something that structures people's lives (religion). It doesn't matter what religion you believe in or associate yourself with, reading this article enlightens one's perception about the importance of sex in a marriage. Beam speaks to his followers and tells them that by not being ashamed of sex with your spouse and actually enjoying it they are following the bible. There are a a lot of people, especially women, that think the purpose of sex is solely for procreation. The idea that one man is telling people that sex saves marriages and that God wants you have sex is fabulous.
Although, Beam is a bit more liberal then the average Christian minister he still preaches that Christians must follow biblical teachings. He emphasizes the importance of "what not to do" when it comes to sex. Topics he discusses are adultery, group sex, sex with animals and so forth.
As a devoted Catholic, I think that Beam has brought something to society that is needed and hopefully will change society for the better. With the divorce rate in this country being 50 percent, the acceptance of having amazing sex with your spouse is vital.

Friday, September 15, 2006

How women choose men

In a recent article inside Men's Health Magazine, writer Stephanie Williams addresses the issue of what women do before selecting the men they want to date. She sub-categorizes the way women choose their partners by physical appearance in 12 ways.
This article is suppose to help men get some kind of an idea on "what women want."
Although, Williams' article had strong examples of what women look for in men, I would have to disagree with a couple of things.
First of all, as a women when I am trying to decide whether or not to date someone I do not look at what they are carrying.
Williams advises in depth about how important it is for man to carry a book or newspaper around so they seem intellectual.
It is ridiculous to judge a person based on literary works.
Williams also claimed that women like men with big eyes and that women can tell how clever men are just by looking at them. She also explained what other traits women see in men just by their eyes.
This is not true.
Overall, I thought Williams' advice was insightful despite a few flaws. One of the biggest flaws in the article is that her message to men seems to be that women check out men based on material.

A message to men:

Men.... Not all women need money to be a factor in a relationship but the reality is that a lot of women do need it.

Monday, September 11, 2006

The differences between men and women

The behavioral differences between women and men is determined by the way both gender's brains work, argues a Neuro-psychiatrist Louann Brizendine in a Newsweek article.
Brizendine believes that women's decisions are based on their hormones and that men lack the ability to be as emotional as a woman.
She also argues, that women have 11 percent more neurons in the area of the brain devoted to emotions and memory. Because they have more "mirror neurons" they are also better at observing emotions in others, she says.
Although there are a couple of sources that disagree with Brizendine, I think she may be on to something.
As a long time feminist (not the gross kind that don't shave their armpits), one might think that I would be outraged at Brizendine's theory. However, as a women I feel that my hormones do take control over me sometimes (and not just during that time of the month).
An example is when I'm watching television, I get more emotional towards something on the tube then one of my male friends. Sometimes, I even may shed a tear over a heart-felt commercial. I ask myself, why am I crying???? It's not even that sad.

I think Brizendine may be right and it could be my hormones. Who knows? Maybe I'm just a big Sap?

However, I do know that when a woman and a man end a relationship, most of the time it takes a woman longer to get over the relationship. Why??? Because women spent most of the time reminiscing about the relationship and men just move forward. I find that men for the most part, don't think about the good times but rather look forward to fresh meat. It takes time for a woman to heal emotionally and men just brush it off. Just like baseball, they shake it off and move to the next base. In this case, the base is another woman. Why does this happen?

In all honesty, it kind of pisses me off that women stay in a state of misery for a while and men just GET OVER IT!!!

I wish that sometimes I could just GET OVER IT.

I think most women feel this way and I believe that hormones may be a conflicting possibility.

If Brizendine's theory is wrong, well I don't think anyone would lose out on at least checking out her book.


This blog is about SEX. That's right!!! The big topic that not a lot of people talk about because they are either a) shy or b) uncomfortable sharing ideas or thoughts they have on the subject. If you're someone who is open and willing to talk about SEX....Then this blog is definitely for you. My aim is to educate and be educated on the subject by having an open discussion on a variety of issues that deal with SEX. Topics may range from music, religion, popular culture, ect. This blog is not intended to offend anyone nor is it a pornographic discussion about female/male body parts. Please refrain from comments that might be a little too vulgar or rated X. I want classy comments with a little bit of edge!!! That being said, don't be afraid to reveal personal situations that you normally wouldn't share with others because I'm definitely going to be doing so. Of course...Of course.... all in good taste (Ha Ha HA). Anyway, hope you all enjoy the posts!