I'm Bringing Sexy Back

A blog about human sexuality and sex in the news.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Minister preaches about sex

Minister Joe Beam preaches to Christians about the importance of having good sex while being married, according to an article published Saturday. About 100 evangelical Christian couples attended Beam's seminar titled "Love, Sex and Marriage."
Religion and sex have never been able to coexist together without being dubbed taboo. I think it is a great idea to incorporate something that most people enjoy (sex) with something that structures people's lives (religion). It doesn't matter what religion you believe in or associate yourself with, reading this article enlightens one's perception about the importance of sex in a marriage. Beam speaks to his followers and tells them that by not being ashamed of sex with your spouse and actually enjoying it they are following the bible. There are a a lot of people, especially women, that think the purpose of sex is solely for procreation. The idea that one man is telling people that sex saves marriages and that God wants you have sex is fabulous.
Although, Beam is a bit more liberal then the average Christian minister he still preaches that Christians must follow biblical teachings. He emphasizes the importance of "what not to do" when it comes to sex. Topics he discusses are adultery, group sex, sex with animals and so forth.
As a devoted Catholic, I think that Beam has brought something to society that is needed and hopefully will change society for the better. With the divorce rate in this country being 50 percent, the acceptance of having amazing sex with your spouse is vital.


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