I'm Bringing Sexy Back

A blog about human sexuality and sex in the news.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Homosexuality among animals

The Oslo Museum of Natural History concluded that homosexuality among humans is not "unnatural" as a result of observing homosexuality in over 1,500 animal species, according to a Yahoo News article.

There are people who are close-minded about homosexuality. Lately, it seems same-sex marriage is a debate that each state has been battling. Take a look at this USA Today news article, which entails gay rights activists trying impose same-sex marriage back on the ballots.

What people do in their bedroom is their business. If gay couples want to get married then I believe they should. With a strong Catholic background, one might think I would be opposed to same-sex marriage. However, given that we live in a country with so many privileges and freedoms, same-sex marriage should be allowed.

Call me crazy but everyday my life is filled with stress because of certain responsibilities and obligations that I have. I don't really have the time nor the energy to worry about other people's lives and what decisions they make. I think America spends too much time worrying about issues that aren't a big deal. If only people would be as passionate about the war as they are about same-sex marriage.


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