I'm Bringing Sexy Back

A blog about human sexuality and sex in the news.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Scientists work on contraceptive treatment for men

Scientists are testing a contraceptive pill that men can take to make them infertile for one day, according to a BBC News article.

Because the pills are not dependent on hormones, researchers suggest that a man's fertility should return the following day.

I think it's wonderful that scientists are coming up with this new development. I think women have to worry about fertility a lot more then men do and I think its great that men can take some responsibility.

Scientists are also studying other methods of contraception for men such as injections, implants and patches.

Though I think it's great that scientists are studying new forms of male contraception, I think it can also be risky.

I wouldn't want my boyfriend to become infertile by trying to prevent from impregnating me.

Scientists definitely need to study the contraceptives thoroughly to insure the safety of the male reproductive system.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Circumcision may prevent HIV

According to a CBS news male circumcision would prevent 3 million deaths over 20 years in Africa.

Circumcising the males would be just as effective as the AIDS vaccine.

The excess skin undoubtedly is a factor in the spread of infections and diseases. I think all men should be circumcised as a necessary precaution.

Africa has the highest rate of HIV infections and the AIDS virus but the study that found this new discovery can benefit Americans and the rest of the world.

Besides, most women I think would prefer to have the excess skin removed. It's a healthier way to have sex!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Man launches fireworks from anus

A 22-year-old man was taken to the hospital after launching a Black Cat Thunderbolt Rocket from his anus, according to a BBC News article.

The prank left the man with internal burns but he is in stable condition.

I don't know what's worse a toothbrush down your throat or a rocket up your ass. This week I have come across some surprisingly unusual stories.

The one thing that I have yet to undertand is why anyone would put a rocket in that area or any area of the body for that matter?

The toothbrush girl has a little bit more understanding then the rocket man. Atleast her heart was in the right place.

Teen swallows toothbrush while trying to practice oral sex

16-year-old Andreea Vlad, of Romania, swallowed a toothbrush while trying to practice oral sex, according to an article in the METRO.CO.UK Web site.

Vlad, swallowed a seven inch toothbrush and had to have emergency surgery. Luckily, she did not suffer any internal damages.

The teenager decided to imitate porn stars she had seen in a film prior to her emergency room visit.

Although, many people would find this incident funny I actually feel pity for the young girl who was trying to teach herself how to perform oral sex on a male.

I think most women at one point in their life have wondered whether or not they are doing the job right. I've never heard of anyone who chose a toothbrush as their preference form of practice but hey to each is own!

Though, I have to say poor Vlad for going through what I imagine was a painful fake performance.

Women who need a little guidance on oral sex should search the net or read books on the art of oral sex.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Masturbation is healthy

Lauren Wright talks about masturbation and it's benefits in her column in the Nevada Sagebrush.

Wright said masturbation is a taboo subject that has always seemed inappropriate due to societal and religious stereotypes.

I'm glad that someone finally said that masturbation being inappropriate is a stereotype. I think it is human nature for someone to touch themselves.

Above all I think it is interesting to note that men only do it 20 percent more then women!

I find that most women lie or are embarrassed that they masturbate. It is ridiculous to feel negative about pleasing yourself.

Growing up I felt that there was something mentally wrong with me because I masturbated. Whenever the conversation was brought up among a group of my girlfriends they would say "they didn't do such things" and I would bare my secret alone. For years I felt like I needed help with my "sickness" and now I just wish someone would have told me it was normal.

I was really young when I started to masturbate so I know that it is human nature to do it. I know that it is human nature because when I started I didn't even know much about sex.

I also think Wright brought up a good point when she said that when men masturbate it can be seen as comical and rarely a joke is cracked about women. Why is that?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The secret to staying young

A recent article in the Australian suggests that people who have sex at least four times a week are more likely to live longer then people who have less sex or no sex at all.

The production of endorphins and other chemicals cause people to look and feel younger.

It makes sense that one of life's greatest gifts is a factor in a human being's life span. There are many people in the world that believe that sex is for procreation only and this article is more proof that sex brings more to the table.

Treating sex like a chore is not the way to live. Sex should be something intimate and something that you can enjoy. So make the best out of it with the next person that you are intimate with for health's sake!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Western countries have more sex

A study showed that people in western countries have more sex though promiscuity did not have more of a role in sexually transmitted infections than poverty and mobility had, according a BBC News article.

There is no universal trend in teenagers having sex early. The study also found that sexual activity began for most men and women between 15 and 19 years of age, with men tending to start earlier.

I can't help but wonder if people should still be promiscuous. With so many diseases out in the world, is having multiple partners worth the risk of contracting some kind of infection?

I think people should watch their number of sexual partners. Although, you should be careful don't super glue your zippers either.

People should explore their sexuality in a healthy and safe way.

The fact that the study showed that teenagers are having sex around the same age proves that it is human nature to have sex.

People can't help their needs but one should always fufill those needs with caution.
Condoms are always a good way to go if you can't resist temptation.